Exam Preparation Service’s mission is to make life easy for learners. We do this by providing an easy-to-use revision platform with a wide range of high-quality Accounting and Finance exam preparation questions designed to help learners improve their revision skills, learn how to manage time effectively, and approach exams with confidence.
To provide a high-quality online revision platform that builds candidates’ knowledge and confidence to excel in their exams.
Exam Preparation Services is dedicated to offering the best online revision platform for learners preparing for various accounting and finance exams, with a special focus on KASNEB exams. Our platform makes exam preparation easier by providing practice questions modeled after past KASNEB papers. Suggested answers accompany each question and have been carefully compiled by CPA (K) professionals, ensuring relevance and quality for candidates pursuing careers in accounting and finance.
Our online platform allows learners to revise for their exams using various revision questions aligned with the KASNEB syllabus. You can repeat the questions as often as needed to build confidence and competence. We aim to help learners assess their preparedness for the final exams by providing a comprehensive set of practice materials.
In addition to KASNEB exams, our revision content also supports other accounting, finance, and business-related qualifications, including the Certificate in Accounting and Management Studies (CAMS), Accounting Technician Diploma (ATD), CPA, Certified Secretaries (CS), Certified Credit Professional (CCP), and CIFA.
The revision questions come in a variety of formats, including:
- Calculations
- Written/text answers
- Multiple choice (select one answer from four options)
- True or False
- Multiple answers (select more than one)
After registering and purchasing your product, you’ll receive a link to access the revision questions online. You can attempt the quizzes as many times as your purchase level permits. Answers are available both during the quiz and at the end on the results page, or you can view them anytime if you decide to end the quiz early.
By completing these quizzes, you can evaluate your readiness for your exams and identify areas where you need further revision. Revision4Exams is the perfect platform to help you prepare.
Additionally, free exam revision questions with suggested answers are available for selected accounting subjects, including Diploma in Accounting and CPA.
Download the free KASNEB syllabus and past papers here
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