ATD Level 2-Taxation revision questions and answers

KSh 499

This Principles of Taxation Revision is designed for candidates preparing for the ATD Level 2 Exams and other exams where taxation is part of the syllabus. The revision questions are designed with the candidate in mind, following the current KASNEB syllabus as much as possible.

The revision 9 topics, each with 20 questions and suggested answers at the end of each chapter.

Topics covered include the following

  1. Introduction to Taxation
  2. Taxation Income of persons
  3. Capital deductions
  4. Administration of income tax
  5. Administration of Value-Added Tax(VAT)
  6. Custom & excise taxes
  7. Introduction to Public Finance Management and Legal Framework
  8. Public budget process for public bodies
  9. Oversight function in public finance management

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